Success stories

We can help you engage with industry to get real-world insights into your research projects, assist you with legal contracts and negotiations, support you with funding applications and provide advice on why and how to get involved with external partners.

Edinburgh Innovations (EI) has an established process for commercialising new ideas, discoveries or inventions arising from your research. EI can assist you with licensing technology to an existing company, help you find commercial partners to collaborate on a project, secure external secondments, guide you through the process of protecting your intellectual property and ensure a successful translation to market.

Additionally, our consultancy team provides a comprehensive level of support to all University staff considering undertaking consultancy and service work. Our team actively promotes the expertise available from the University and can help with sourcing consultancy opportunities to raise your profile.

Explore what your colleagues have to say about working with industry partners and how these collaborations added value to their research and help them to make a significant impact. 

EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) funds can help create impact by engaging with industry partners. View successful EPSRC IAA-funded projects to understand how the funds can be used to accelerate and amplify the impact from EPSRC-funded research.

Be inspired by colleagues who have protected their innovation and achieved commercial success.

Working with industry offers an opportunity to apply your research to real-world problems and make a valuable impact on the economy and society.

Form a company case studies

See how your peers from The University of Edinburgh have started companies grounded in their areas of research, and what support they’ve benefitted from along the way.