Hjalmar Eriksson

EPSRC IAA Project Manager

Hjalmar Eriksson

When did you start at Edinburgh Innovations (EI)?

I started in August 2021.


How would you explain your job to an alien?

I organise a competition of ideas on how to improve society and funnel resources to the ideas that are picked by a panel of peer experts.


What did you do before EI?

I started out my career in research and strategy consultancy for the public sector, with clients in Sweden and the EU. I mostly worked on evaluation and strategy in innovation and regional development, but also did a bit of work in social and environmental sustainability.


What’s the best thing about working at EI/the University of Edinburgh?

I’m inspired daily by the world-leading research that is being done at the University. EI colleagues are also great to work with: professional, helpful, and friendly.


Favourite project that you’ve worked on? What did the project accomplish?

I feel privileged to go through applications to our funding calls every time they close. The applicants demonstrate a commitment to make a real difference and I wish we could fund all of them. Since 2022 we have awarded funding to 65 impact acceleration projects.

I have had a special interest project with Dr Robert Smith, lecturer in Responsible Research and Innovation, on embedding societal benefit and stakeholder engagement in the University’s Impact Acceleration Accounts. Responsible innovation is about deliberate engagement with the public good as opposed to ‘moving fast and breaking things’. We have helped projects identify new stakeholders and opportunities for co-creation with end-users in their projects. By embracing responsible innovation, we can increase benefits to society and avoid unintended negative consequences.


What are you most proud of from your time at EI?

I’m really proud our programme of AIMdays. Non-academic partners submit challenges on the theme of the day. On the day, researcher colleagues workshop ideas for solutions to the challenges. We then run an exclusive funding call for the participants to scope out larger opportunities for collaboration. We’ve hosted workshops on 66 separate challenges with a combined 300 participants since 2022 and have funded some 20 scoping projects.


What does innovation mean to you? 

Innovation is when a new idea contributes to solving a societal problem or to satisfying a need.


If you had one more hour in the day how would you spend it?

Spending time with my daughter.


What piece of advice has stuck with you?

Plans are useless, planning is essential.


What’s would you really like to work on at EI/UoE

I find it inspiring how colleagues in the Wellcome Trust translational team have built a translational community in the broad area of human health. I would love to develop and build a similar community for innovation active or curious colleagues throughout science and engineering.


EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)

Learn more about the funding support from EPSRC IAA managed by Hjalmar.

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