Become a consultant

Make your expertise available to external organisations can benefit you and the University.

The Edinburgh Innovations consultancy team provides  a comprehensive level of support to all University staff considering undertaking consultancy and service work.

A team of experienced staff within EI's Consultancy Office work closely to deliver a high quality consultancy and business services to the University.

Consultancy is an important and effective way for the University to deliver impact by making available an individual’s research expertise to external organisations. Consultancy can deliver powerful benefits to not only the individual researcher but to the University as a whole.

EI’s Consultancy Office provides a comprehensive level of support services to all University staff considering undertaking consultancy and service work.

Some basic procedures you should follow if any organisation asks you to carry out consultancy or service work.

Guidance on procedures, fee rates and payment procedures when undertaking consultancy work.

Guidance and support for University staff who are considering undertaking consultancy as an Expert Witness.

All commercial service work carried out using University of Edinburgh facilities must be processed through EI’s Consultancy Office.

Frequently asked questions on consultancy undertaken at the University by staff covering definitions, payment and policy and procedures.