Dipa Roy

Dr Dipa Roy is Reader in Composite Materials and Processing in the School of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

This inspirational innovator frequently collaborates with industry partners to innovate new products from waste materials, helping to build a more sustainable future.


Dipa Roy is Reader in Composite Materials and Processing in the School of Engineering. Determined for her research to make a contribution to the world, Dipa frequently collaborates with industry partners to innovate new products from waste materials, helping to build a more sustainable future.

10 Questions with Dr Dipa Roy

Whether they’re contaminating viable plastics recycling or clogging up sorting machinery, soft plastics are a headache for councils and recycling facilities alike. But now a group of Edinburgh researchers led by Reader in Composite Materials and Processing Dr Dipa Roy are working on new uses for these waste plastics: creating robust composites for use by the construction industry.

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