Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe)

Support to get out of the lab, refine your business proposition, and test your idea in your target markets.

It guides teams of researchers through a tried and tested process of validating business ideas, defining clear value propositions and refining business models to realise the commercial potential of their idea. 

Since 2014 ICURe has engaged with more than 500 teams across the UK. ICURe participants from The University of Edinburgh that have since formed a company include, but are not limited to, SpeakUnique, Earth Blox and OGI-Bio


Completion of the ICURe programme, with a recommendation to spinout, was critical in convincing our institution of the importance of commercialising this research. The subsequent funding obtained from Innovate UK to do so was instrumental in us securing private investment from an Angel Syndicate in Edinburgh. 

Since finishing the ICURe process, OGI Bio has grown from a concept to a company that has successfully certified and launched products into the UK, EU and US markets, securing further grant and private equity support. Our staff has grown from 1 employee in October 2020 to a team of 8 by the end of 2022, with plans to more than double that by the end of 2023.

Alex McVeyCEO, OGI Bio


Depending on the maturity of your idea and the time you have to commit to a project, there are three key ICURe programmes to choose from – ICURe Engage, ICURe Discover, and ICURe Explore. Those ICURe Explore teams recommended for spin out are invited to apply to the fourth ICURe Exploit programme. 


ICURe Programme Overview
Diagram: ICURe Programme Overview


Who can apply? 

Individual students and technicians are invited to apply for the part-time 6-week ICURe Engage programme. Teams are required for the 8-week part-time ICURe Discover and 12-week full-time ICURe Explore programmes. Teams comprise of: 

  • An entrepreneurial lead: an early career researcher, usually a late-stage PhD student or a post-doc, committed to working full-time on the project. They’ll attend a bootcamp at the beginning, they’ll undertake the project, and they’ll present at the Options Roundabout at the end of the project (for ICURe Explore). It’s expected that the entrepreneurial lead will have a role in any company emerging from ICURe. 
  • A senior researcher: a principal investigator, will provide intellectual support to the entrepreneurial lead for the duration of the programme. They’ll attend parts of the initial bootcamp, and they’ll attend the options roundabout at the end (for ICURe Explore). 
  • A business advisor (for ICURe Explore): will provide sector-specific expert guidance, support and connections. Edinburgh Innovations can help finding a suitable business mentor, if required. 
  • An Enterprise Executive from Edinburgh Innovations: we’ll support you before, during and beyond the ICURe programme to commercialise the intellectual assets. 


What will I receive? 

  • Funding (see diagram above) 
  • Access to experts in bringing research to market. 
  • Access to our network of entrepreneurs, funders & investors. 
  • Flexible working and the resources to enable connection with customers worldwide. 
  • Access to market intelligence. 
  • Training in entrepreneurial skills, including pitch training. 
  • A personalised report with data on your potential customers, competitors, suppliers, and a comprehensive overview of the intellectual property landscape in your sector. 


I’m interested! What now?  

Read more about the ICURe Progamme on their website. You must speak to the Enterprise Services team at Edinburgh Innovations prior to applying. If you think ICURe might be for you, please contact us to find out more. We encourage you to reach out at the earliest opportunity.