Process for company approval

Find details of the process you need to follow so your company proposition can obtain approval from the University of Edinburgh.

The University has a process through which all spinout propositions must pass in order to obtain approval to proceed.

Approval is mandatory for all proposed spinout companies built around University of Edinburgh owned IP (including know-how, trade secrets, copyright, and patented technologies). Official University sign off is subject to the resolution of any outstanding matters.

Your EI advisor will work with you to complete the necessary documentation. Written approval from your Head of School is essential.

Please read through EI's Spinout Support Guide, which gives detail of the considerations that need to be given when establishing a new company, including EI's Company Formation Advisory Group (CFAG) and remit.

Please refer any questions to the Staff Enterprise Team at EI.


Company formation process flowchart
Flowchart: Company Formation Advisory Group (CFAG) Process