Access to your facilities

Guidance on regulations for carrying out Service Work for using lab facilities.

Access for persons using equipment

All external people using University lab facilities must be fully trained to do so.

If you have any questions regarding health and safety procedures, please contact the Health and Safety Department directly.

Scheduling time for service work

When carrying out service work it is important to factor in time needed for current research projects.

If a lab is particularly busy during certain times of the year it is a good idea to let prospective clients know this before they engage in any long term contract with the University.

Students can assist in carrying out simple testing work if academics are busy working on other projects. However, all commercial contracts must be led and overseen by an academic who will be named as the lead on any Service contract.

Use of facilities

Before using any lab facilities for commercial work, you must check with your School Administrator whether there are any restrictions on the use of the equipment.