Ten questions with Dr Sofia Ferreira Gonzalez

Ten questions with Dr Sofia Ferreira Gonzalez



1. What does innovation mean to you? 

To use your imagination to bring something completely novel to the world.


2. What has been your biggest success? 

I'm very proud of many different things in my professional career, but so far I would say that my biggest successes are my students. Watching the way they evolve and seeing them turn into these amazing scientists is very rewarding.


3. What failure has helped shape you? 

I would say that all failures in my life have helped shape who I am today.


4. What would your friends say your greatest strengths and weaknesses are? 

I would say that my greatest strength, as well as my weakness depending on who you ask of my friends, is that I'm way too stubborn.


5. What book do you recommend to others? 

I could not recommend only one book, but if I have to say one right now I would say Chronicles of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


6. If you had one more hour in the day how would you spend it?

I would spend it with my children. 


7. What scares you?

Everything, but I won’t let that stop me!


8. What piece of advice has stuck with you? 

My grandma told me, when I was very little, that it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you do it with passion, and that advice has stuck with me for many years.


9. What future innovation would you like to see happen in your lifetime?  

Anti-ageing strategies to increase life span and health span.


10. What gives you hope?  

The new generations.