These free training courses are a fantastic resource for staff and students with an interest in IP. They cover IP basics and help to understand the importance of IP. 1. UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO)a.) IP Basics and IPOYouTubeIP Basics – IP made easy, a new series of IP-based animations. Contains a suite of 12 short animations breaks IP down into bite-sized chunks that clearly explain the different rights and how they can benefit business. So whether you’re new to IP or just brushing up on your skills, or wondering how to distinguish your trade marks from your copyright, this is the perfect place for you to start.Various UKIPO videos of interest to help inform on IP available at: IPOYouTube Channel.b.) IP Health CheckUKIPO training tools have been designed to help you:If you have IP to protect.Whether you own it and, if you don’t, who does.How to protect it, and whether you should.How you can exploit it commerciallyYou can access these tools for free on the UKIPO website2. IP TUTORIP tutor covers the basics and all aspects (e.g. patents, trade marks, design etc.) ofiIntellectual property.It helps participants to identify different forms of IP, understand the role of IP in their chosen subject area, know how to use IP to protect their work and gain a new skill that is valued by employers and is useful in the work environment. It’s free to use, user friendly and interactive, and it can be tailored to area of study/interest. The course takes 40 minutes to complete.Completion of the course provides accreditation from the UKIPO. The UKIPO course is also validated by the UK Chartered Society of Designers.Note, the UKIPO training only discusses IP in the UK, although it does provide links to information on international IP issues at the end of the training. Anyone protecting IP should be aware of the international aspects and dimensions of their IP rights, e.g. the need to register and protect relevant IP rights in all countries of interest, as well as ensuring freedom to operate in such countries. 3. IP EquipIP Equip is a free online training that explains intellectual property rights such as trademarks, patents, copyright and designs.4. MurgitroydMurgitroyd's Insights covers patents, trademarks, designs and other important IP issues, pitched at a basic/introductory level.5. Marks & ClerkAt Marks & Clerk's Insights, you can access updates on the latest developments in IP and invitations to events6. European Patent Office (EPO)Patents and IP FAQ has been designed for users with little or no prior knowledge of IP, in order to provide them with a basic introduction to a range of different IP rights.7. World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) AcademyWIPO is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy and cooperation. The training courses seek to develop individuals’ skills and capabilities in IP.Access all WIPO coursesBelow we highlighted some free of charge courses which can be accessed on the WIPO website.a.) WIPO recommended coursesDL001E - DL-001 Primer on Intellectual PropertyThis course covers the fundamental aspects of intellectual property (IP): copyright and related rights, trademarks, patents, geographical indications, and industrial designs. It also covers contemporary issues impacting the IP field such as: new plant varieties, unfair competition, enforcement of IP rights and emerging issues in IP.The content and methodology of all “General Primer” courses are structured to complement self-directed learning. As such, participants are able to review course material at their own pace.CurriculumThe DL-001 course is comprised of twelve modules designed to facilitate the sequential expansion and assimilation of general IP concepts:Module 1: IntroductionModule 2: Overview of IPModule 3: CopyrightModule 4: Related RightsModule 5: TrademarksModule 6: Geographical IndicationsModule 7: Industrial DesignsModule 8: PatentsModule 9: New Plant VarietiesModule 10: Unfair CompetitionModule 11: Enforcement of IP RightsModule 12: Emerging Issues in IP - IP and DevelopmentFinal Exam and Certificate There is no final exam or certificate at the end of this course. Self-assessment tools are strategically placed throughout each module to assist participants with gauging their respective levels of knowledge and progress, as well as their ability to apply the concepts and facts presented within the course.Eligibility This course is open to all individuals seeking to obtain a general overview of the fundamentals of IP.WIPO DL_IPPanoramaE - IP Panorama Designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) utilize and manage intellectual property (IP) in their business strategy. IP PANORAMA relies on learning about IP through business orientation especially focusing on the situation of SMEs. It is based on an instructional design strategy of ‘Storytelling’ along with educational technology. The learning content of each module was designed with a practical story regarding IP. It deals with IP issues from a business perspective. Curriculum The course is comprised of the following modules:Module 1: Importance of IP for SMEsModule 2: Trademarks and Industrial DesignsModule 3: Invention and PatentModule 4: Trade SecretsModule 5: Copyright and Related RightsModule 6: Patent InformationModule 7: Technology Licensing in a Strategic PartnershipModule 8: IP in the Digital EconomyModule 9: IP and International TradeModule 10: IP AuditModule 11: Valuation of IP AssetsModule 12: Trademark LicensingModule 13: IP Issues in FranchisingFinal Exam and CertificateThere is no final exam or certificate at the end of this course.EligibilityThis course is open to all individuals, particularly in the enterprise sector and university students, seeking to increase their awareness of using IP for business success.b.) WIPO’s Case Studies on Intellectual Property (IP Advantage)The case studies in the IP Advantage database offer insights into how IP works in the real world, and how its successful exploitation can contribute to development.Case studiesc.) WIPO resources for UniversitiesOverview of IP policies and related documents in the sphere of universities and public research institutions. They can be of use to the university community in general, to increase understanding of the rights to IP that may result from educational and research activities.Resources for universitiesd.)WIPO Frequently Asked Questions: Knowledge Transfer for Universities and Research InstitutionsA list of FAQ that explains key conceptsFrequently Asked Questions This article was published on 2024-07-01