EPSRC IAA is an institutional award granted to the University to support knowledge exchange and impact from EPSRC-themed research.

Image shows The University of Edinburgh logo next to the logo of Edinburgh Innovations and UKRI with a green image of a water droplet

EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Open Call

Call currently closed


Scope of the Call

Activities that sit mainly within EPSRC’s remit and aims are eligible for funding. There is no longer a requirement to demonstrate a link to a previous EPSRC grant. The EPSRC IAA is committed to equality of opportunity for all applicants at all career stages in line with the University’s long-standing commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. 


Types of project 

  • Collaborative projects – develop impact from EPSRC early-stage research outputs through collaborative projects with industry (or other stakeholders) 
  • Secondments – can be inward or outward with the emphasis on transferring and exchanging knowledge 
  • Commercialisation projects – translate new ideas, discoveries or inventions arising from your research into commercial solutions 


May 2024 Call Awardees

Dr Athanasios Angeloudis - School of Engineering

Dr Angus Law - School of Engineering

Dr Torben Sell - School of Mathematics

Dr Eddie McCarthy - School of Engineering

Dr Istvan Gyongy - School of Engineering


EPSRC IAA funds can help create an impact by engaging with industry partners. Explore successful EPSRC IAA-funded projects to understand how the funds can be used to accelerate and amplify the impact of EPSRC-funded research.

The funds are managed by Edinburgh Innovations on behalf of the College of Science & Engineering.

Please contact the EPSRC IAA team EPSRCIAA@ei.ed.ac.uk for any questions. 

Spotlight on Industry

Spotlight on Industry series showcases successful collaborations between University of Edinburgh researchers and industry partners. Please also see below recordings of previous Spotlight on Industry webinars:


Why not apply for the Harmonised IAA funding call?

New funding is available for impact or translational projects between £20k to £60k, for up to 12 months, that include at least two researchers representing separate council remits (BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC/Wellcome Trust).

More details