EPSRC IAA travel and events

EPSRC IAA funding is available for travel, industry meeting/event attendance and industry event hosting support.

These activities must be looking to develop EPSRC-funded research and must be directly related to engagement with industry partners.

Travel and events

Funds will be considered for:

  • Supporting a visit to an industry partner’s premises
  • Attendance at an industry-facing event
  • Running an industry-focused event

Funds will cover reasonable expenses associated with:

  • Travel
  • Accommodation
  • Subsistence
  • External event registration
  • Internal event costs: room hire, catering

Please note: Applications for attendance at academic/peer-to-peer conferences etc. are not eligible.

Applications must explicitly state the anticipated outcomes and likely impact of the visit/event and fully justify the value of the request. Funds are for direct industry partner/stakeholder interaction. All successful applicants will be expected to make themselves available for internal dissemination activities and must identify what the next steps in future impact activities are.


Travel and events application 

EPSRC IAA travel and events application form (March 2022) (91.6 KB Word)