Ten questions

Ten questions with Dr Mike McGrew

Professor Mike McGrew with colleagues

Dr Mike McGrew is Chair of Avian Biotechnologies at the Roslin Institute. Read about Mike’s journey in his own words and find out more about his greatest hopes and fears. 


1. What does innovation mean to you?

Thinking about a problem in a new way. 


2. What is your greatest failure?

Being born with no musical talent. 


3. What is your greatest success?

I once taught a friend, who dropped out of high school, algebra so that he could pass a high school diploma test and go to beauty school. Teaching maths to an adult with no mathematical interest or inclinations is no mean feat. 


4. What is your greatest fear?

I won’t answer that. One should never reveal their fears publicly 


5. What is your favourite book?

Amongst my favourites: John Irving, ‘A Prayer for Owen Meany’ 


6. What is the most important thing to you?

Friends and family (and my dog) 


7. Is there any advice you wish someone had given you?

Don’t sweat the small things.  


8. What future innovation would you like to see happen in your lifetime? 

The complete restoration of an animal species through DNA synthesis 


9. What is your greatest hope? 

One day we will live in balance with nature. 


10. What would your friends say your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?

They would say my greatest strength is also my greatest weakness. I do one thing well at a time. But only one thing, never more. 


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