Dr Susan Bodie

Head of Business Development, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

Susan Bodie


Ten questions with Dr Susan Bodie


When did you start at Edinburgh Innovations (EI)?

I officially started in EI towards the end of 2018, however, had been working in a similar role as part of the CMVM BioQuarter team.


How would you explain your job to an alien?

Our purpose in the Business Development team is to work closely with academic colleagues whose research may be useful in society and to help navigate the relationships needed to progress towards realising the utility of the research in society.  The relationships and partners can be charitable funders, research councils, industry partners and consortia.  It is about understanding the science and making connections to create societal benefit.


What did you do before EI?

I did the same role for the CMVM Business Development team.


What’s the best thing about working at EI/the University of Edinburgh?

I enjoy the team approach and ethos we have to solve challenges and the collegiate approach to this.  I like that every day is different, the subject matter of the projects is so varied and seeing external interest in the fantastic and exciting research is great.


What's your favourite project that you’ve worked on?

So difficult!  Long-standing collaborations with pharma companies that have survived since I started in this role, with various adaptations over the years, resulting in alignment of capability across both organisations in support of drug development.  Supporting ongoing collaborations that ended up in the creation of a spin-out that will go on to develop an impact for patients.  Connection to projects that have changed the routine care for patients as a result of the research performed at the University.


What are you most proud of from your time at EI?

The ongoing professional services and academic relationships developed over the years.


What does innovation mean to you? 

Innovation is looking at a process/challenge and creating/developing a new, more efficient solution.


If you had one more hour in the day how would you spend it?

Going to the gym!


What piece of advice has stuck with you?

“What’s for you, won’t go past you” 


What would you really like to work on at EI/UoE

Cross-College solutions to big problems where there are capabilities from disciplines that can come up with innovative solutions for health-related challenges that have not been solved yet.


Dr Susan Bodie

Head of Business Development

  • College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

Contact details


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