Enterprise funding and awards

Taking your idea to market and operating and growing a business will require an injection of cash, in some cases, considerable sums.

Here we summarise of the different ways a business can be financed, along with those funding programmes and awards that we utilise most regularly, especially at the pre-company formation and early startup stages, although this is by no means a comprehensive list. 

EI can advise on the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of funding and support you in putting your idea in front of potential investors and throughout the process of securing their backing.

Support to get out of the lab, refine your business proposition, and test your idea in your target markets.

Supporting the commercialisation of advanced technologies developed at Scotland's universities, to create new high-growth companies with the potential to generate significant economic impact in Scotland.

Enterprise Fellowships fund you for 12-months to refine your business idea, plus you’ll get training, coaching, mentoring, funding, and a network to give you the skills and confidence to take your innovation to the next level.

These competitions identify and support up-and-coming, innovative, high-growth entrepreneurs.

Most startups and spinouts require equity funding to finance their research, development and commercial activities.