EI company support

Find details of spinout support available including IP management, market research, business planning, funding, and building your team.

There are a number of key areas to consider when planning a University spinout company and licensing University owned technology to this ’NewCo’:

  • Exploration of the products/services the business will develop
  • Assessment of the market(s) for these products/services
  • Business model
  • Assessment of the ‘technology readiness’ and funding options to help progress it
  • IP strategy, protection and management
  • Investor readiness of the opportunity and investor appetite
  • Who will lead and build the team?
  • Long term ambitions

We summarise our support under the following main areas:

Some important early tasks include identifying, protecting, and accessing any intellectual property (IP) that a new business will need. Learn more about what IP is, how to search for existing IP, and the importance of disclosing your IP to EI before you share it more widely.

We can provide tools, templates, and one-to-one advice to help you make a viable business plan and a compelling business case, connecting you to local and national business support and advice, as required.

We use internal and external resources to independently qualify the value of an innovation to properly ascertain its commercial strengths and weaknesses.

You can only go it alone for so long! Consider what skills gaps need filling, how these might change over time, and how team members can be incentivised.

Discover the numerous funding opportunities and awards available to you, which can really accelerate your entrepreneurial journey.