AI technology enables cloud-based breakthrough

Dr Patras and his team were able to turn their novel technology into a commercial proposition through support from Edinburgh Innovations Enterprise team.

An initial meeting in early March 2020 helped Dr Patras to start to see his path to spinning out as a series of specific and interdependent activities that together built more than the sum of their parts. 

Net AI’s software tool is a breakthrough for cloud-based virtual network management, to help 5G telecom providers generate significantly higher profit margins by reducing their costs.  

Dr Paul Patras, Net AI

Leading computer science research 

The company was formed as a spinout from the University of Edinburgh, building on years of research at the intersection of mobile networking and artificial intelligence, conducted at one of Europe's leading computer science research centres, led by Dr Paul Patras from the School of Informatics.  

Net AI is developing a customisable AI-driven software tool offering real-time analytics that drive the optimisation of virtualised mobile network resources, making 4G/5G deployments efficient and profitable. In other words, Net AI is a network intelligence company developing a deep traffic analytics platform that can drastically reduce CAPEX/OPEX/TCO for mobile operators and enable new high-margin revenue streams. The technology harnesses the unique ability of deep learning to extract abstract features hidden in mobile network traffic, into separate time series for each individual service (e.g. Netflix, Facebook, etc.) and shows just how much traffic is coming from any given service, at any given time and from which location.  

It allows data to be collected in the cloud rather than from expensive location-based probes, and also works with encrypted data sources which are impossible to analyse with traditional approaches such as using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). It is also very accurate, with validation on metropolitan-scale carrier data showing Microscope predicted streams to be within 1% of empirically measured data. 

Commercial support 

Edinburgh Innovations worked alongside Dr Patras in drafting the patent application that underpinned the commercial journey. We then supported with building a robust business plan, further patent protection for the technology, funding support as well as overall project management of the company formation process.  

Dr Patras and his growing team were supported to secure an ICURe grant to conduct a preliminary market validation and engage with potential customers, followed by a Scottish Enterprise High Growth Spinout grant to fund development of both the technology itself and a commercialisation pathway. The team has also received support from the University’s Data-Driven Entrepreneurship (DDE) AI Accelerator, the DDE Seed Fund programme and the DDE Fast Track Executive Designate Programme, all supported by the Scottish Funding Council via the Data-Driven Innovation Programme of the Edinburgh and South-East Scotland City Region Deal.  In totality, the team was supported by Edinburgh Innovations to access in the region of £150K in funding to de-risk the company before it spun out of the University.  

From this support internally they were able to establish a robust business which allowed them to then go forward and attract £750,000 in pre-seed funding. The round was led by Techstart Ventures, with Nauta Capital, Creator Fund, Old College Capital, and Edinburgh Technology Fund also participating. 

Entering into an exclusive licence agreement with the University of Edinburgh is a major steppingstone for Net AI and we are grateful for the support we received from numerous people and organisations, who helped us take the research out of the lab.

Dr Paul Patras
Associate Professor University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, Co-Founder and CEO of Net AI

Talented researchers at the University of Edinburgh are well placed to find solutions to tomorrow’s problems, and the growing demand for data is just such a challenge. This technology has great promise. We’re proud to support Dr Patras to take his discoveries from the lab into the marketplace, which will ultimately bring far-reaching benefits.

Dr George Baxter
CEO, Edinburgh Innovations

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