These free training courses are a fantastic resource for staff and students with an interest in IP. They cover a wide range of IP related topics on an advanced level. 1. European Patent Office (EPO)Various resources from EPO 2. World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) AcademyWIPO is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy and cooperation. The training courses seek to develop individuals’ skills and capabilities in IP.Access all WIPO coursesBelow we highlighted some free of charge courses which can be accessed on the WIPO website.a.) WIPO recommended coursesDL301OE - DL-301 Patents (Open)IMPORTANT: Please note that the DL-301 Patents (Open) course was offered while the DL-301 Advanced Course on Patents was being UPDATED. The original content of the course is available to you to read if you enroll, however, there will be no tutorial service, exam or certificate offered in Session 1, 2019. We expect to launch the updated version of the course in Session 2, 2019 (Sept. - Dec. 2019). The course aims to provide participants with an in-depth perspective on the principles and economic impact of patents and the patenting process as a whole. The course incorporates examination of the traditional use of patents by centers of knowledge such as universities and other specialized institutions of higher learning. It also provides students with a comprehensive review of the importance of Patent Pools in facilitating the effective transfer and development of technology.Various WIPO Academy Distance Learning courses for a fee201E - DL-201 Copyright and Related RightsDL203E - DL-203 Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural ExpressionsDL301E - DL-301 PatentsDL301OE - DL-301 Patents (Open)DL302E - DL-302 Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical IndicationsDL317E - DL-317 Arbitration and Mediation Procedure under the WIPO RulesDL318E - DL-318 Patent Information SearchDL320E - DL-320 Basics of Patent DraftingDL450E - DL-450 Intellectual Property ManagementDL501E - DL-501 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Legal PractitionersDL502E - DL-502 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Rights HoldersDL503E - DL-503 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Collective Management Organizations (CMOs)DL506E - DL-506 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Policy MakersDL511E - DL-511 Software Licensing Including Open SourceDL701ENT - DL-701 Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation - WHO, WIPO, WTO Executive Course on the intersections between public health, intellectual property and tradeb.) WIPO WebinarsA series of free webinars covering a wide range of topics.3. PraxisAurilVarious courses organised by the professional association for Knowledge Exchange practitioners. This article was published on 2024-07-01