Advice for school administration staff

EI's Consultancy team is available to assist School administrative staff with any queries relating to consultancy and service work.

Understanding the consultancy process

Once an organisation has contacted an academic to undertake consultancy or service work, the academic should seek Head of School approval through the School Administrator.

At the same time the academic should contact the EI Consultancy Office before negotiating the terms of any consultancy contract or agreeing to be an Expert Witness.

EI's Consultancy team and in-house lawyers will assist with contractual obligations on behalf of the academic.

All fees negotiated on behalf of an academic are calculated using commercial rates and must include VAT.

The academic consultant(s) working on the consultancy contract must sign the Consultancy Information Sheet to confirm agreement on distribution of fees.

The School Administrator will be asked to supply EI with the correct school account codes for processing these fees.

The School Administrator should the return the completed and approved Consultancy Information Sheet to EI’s Consultancy Office for processing.

Your duties and responsibilities

Advise academics of the services available to them through EI for doing commercial work.

All invoicing for commercial and service work and use of facilities should always be processed through EI and not directly through the School. Please contact the EI Consultancy office if you are asked to process any commercial work.

Ensure Consultancy Information Sheets are signed off and returned to EI for each commercial project.

Keep us informed

Please keep us informed on any changes to school account codes or payment requests.

Always keep the Consultancy Office up-to-date on any changes to projects and contact us if you have any questions or queries.