Startups success stories

Get inspiration from our startup case studies and videos

We have been honoured to work with talented student entrepreneurs from many backgrounds and academic disciplines.

Sunsave Solutions - aiming to provide low-income households with electricity. Hear from Mekila in our 2023 Startup Summer Accelerator.

Gradatim simplifies complex health conditions and medical procedures for young children. Hear from Lizzie in our 2023 Startup Summer Accelerator.

SimPat - an AI simulated patient platform for medical students. Hear from David in our 2023 Startup Summer Accelerator.

We catch-up with third year, History of Art student Izzy Vogel and discuss Izzy’s interests and the freelance support on offer at the University of Edinburgh.

Immersive games that combine adventure, education and sustainability

Carcinotech is an innovative MedTech company specialising in manufacturing 3D printed tumours

A robotic system for recycling and waste management industry

A UK biotech startup company passionate about independent living. has developed a new way to sort waste automatically.

Social Stories Club is all about making ethical products more accessible