Lizzie Smith - Gradatim

Gradatim simplifies complex health conditions and medical procedures for young children. Hear from Lizzie in our 2023 Startup Summer Accelerator.

Gradatim - Lizzie Smith

Startup name: Gradatim

Founder: Lizzie Smith

School: Graduate from School of Psychology

Three words to describe your entrepreneurial journey: Resilient. Compassionate. Innovative.


How did you come up with the idea?

Having worked in the health and education sector, I noticed that there are no tools on offer for parents of young children, to help explain to their child the life-altering illness and/or disability that either their child or loved one has been diagnosed with. Additionally, the responsibility is placed on the parent which affects their own mental health. I wanted to start a company that helped address this gap, helping parents and health professionals talk about health with young children.

I completed my psychology masters last year, where I focused on developmental psychology, which I combined with my art fine degree and practical artist experience and started Gradatim.  

What is the idea?

Gradatim creates picture books for children under 5, as this is the one of the highest occurring ages for illness and disability and is the hardest to communicate complex information to. We create a multi-book series tailored per condition, that follows a character from diagnosis to recovery/management.  Our current focus is on tools for Oncology; Bone, Breast, Blood and Brain cancers, with plans in place to broaden into Neurology, endocrinology and Genetics.

What real-world challenge do you want to address?

In an ideal world, I would eradicate childhood illness. Unfortunately, I’ve not acquired that ability. So, I can use my experience, both first-hand as someone who was a child in the health sector, and my professional experience as a psychology and art graduate to create tools that aid the wellbeing of parents, children and health professionals, making the journey less turbulent that would be the next best thing.

What motivates you as an entrepreneur?

It might be cliché but I am motivated by the potential to make a positive change in the world. We are entering a field where we are at the forefront of these types of health education tools, so I am also motivated to become the leading company in the industry.

Above all, my motivation is personal. I have been the child who has been in complex health care, and I am now the adult who know that one day I will have to have these conversations with my future nieces/nephews, or my own future children, and is it doesn’t matter if you are a child, or an adult...talking about health is scary.

What role has Edinburgh Innovations played in your entrepreneurial journey?

It has honestly been one of most influential roles in starting my company. Before being accepted onto the Startup Summer Accelerator, I was a solo entrepreneur, collecting market research and storyboarding ideas, but with no real direction. I had all these big ideas but no idea how to make them a reality. While it is still early days, I can safely say I can see these ideas becoming a reality, this wouldn’t have been the case without Edinburgh Innovations. I have a network of friends and colleagues who are all in the same startup boat and it is reassuring to know I am not in it alone.

What’s next?

We are currently in the development phase for our first round of products. Focusing on Oncology (Bone, Blood, Breast, and Brain cancers), with working plans for products in Neurology, endocrinology, and Genetics. We are also looking at building partnerships with charities and Healthcare providers to partner, as the goal is these products would be able to be distributed at the time of diagnosis to those who need it.


Thanks to Edinburgh Innovations...I have a network of friends and colleagues who are all in the same startup boat and it is reassuring to know I am not in it alone.

Lizzie Smith


Lizzie is taking part in the Edinburgh Earth Initiative sponsored Startup Summer Accelerator 2023.

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