Izzy Vogel

We catch-up with third year, History of Art student Izzy Vogel and discuss Izzy’s interests and the freelance support on offer at the University of Edinburgh.

If you’re thinking about becoming a freelancer, now or in the future, we can help with events, resources and support.

Learn the basics of how to become a freelancer or sole trader and discover the wider support available with our service and beyond. We run specific workshops aimed at those interested in freelancing. These workshops will give you an insight into what it takes to become a successful freelancer including how to operate lawfully, marketing yourself and ensuring you get paid.

Grab a stall at our Founders Fair and sell your wares. These usually take three to four times a year at our Student Enterprise Hub and are completely free.

You don’t need any experience, everyone is welcome, no matter what you’re studying. Whether you don’t have a clue where to start or you already sell your own products/service. Give freelancing a go.

I think it's one of the greatest assets at the University as I feel like I can grow beyond my university degree, why still doing my degree. It gives a lot of confidence in my work and the whole group is very supportive.

Izzy Vogel


Find out more and get freelancing support now


Visit Izzy's online shop