Shepherd and Wedderburn Legal Hub

We have a self-service legal hub developed for us by Shepherd and Wedderburn.

Shepherd and Wedderburn’s corporate team supports innovative, high-growth and spin-out companies to raise start-up/seed capital. The firm’s lawyers, who also work with investors looking to invest in young companies, know from experience how vital the right legal documentation is to securing funding and developing your startup. 

You can use the Shepherd and Wedderburn Start-up Hub to create template legal agreements for your start-up business in minutes, such as:

  • Employment contracts;
  • Consultancy agreements;
  • Non-disclosure agreements; and
  • Intellectual property (IP) assignations.

You will also find comprehensive guides outlining what to expect in a seed investment round, how to protect your IP, how to make your first hires, and more.

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