IP, trademarks, and copyright

Is your business idea based on innovative research (or new idea) that has led to new products and processes being developed? If so then you should consider securing your intellectual property (IP) through copyright, trademarks and patents. Learn the basics using these resources.


Resource Type Description
IP Basics Videos Short animated videos, created by the Intellectual Property Office, explaining the different IP rights and how IP can benefit your business.
IP Tutor Course Free 40-minute online training course, designed by the Intellectual Property Office, which teaches you the basics of IP. 
IP for Research Website Provides resources designed to help you to identify how intellectual property fits into your research and the commercialisation process.

Seminars hosted by Edinburgh Innovations and external law and IP firm

These seminars take place on a regular basis and are generally aimed at a beginner or an intermediate level, although sometimes they can also fall into advance level. 

The seminars cover IP matters of general and topical interest for academics, students, Edinburgh Innovations (EI) staff (particularly Business Development team) and any University of Edinburgh (UoE) students or recent graduate with an interest in IP. 

For information on forthcoming IP seminars please check both staff and student event pages.

Tailored training 

Our team can also provide training tailored according to any specific needs. To discuss this further please contact, Richard Curtin, Intellectual Property and Patent Manager at Edinburgh Innovations.

Student intellectual property

The default legal position is that the student will automatically own all intellectual property rights in work done and results created by him/her during his/her research project/studentship. Students are not employees of the University and, therefore, they own their own IP, unless the student has assigned their rights to the University.

Our normal practice is to require students conducting research in areas known to be of immediate commercial relevance to enter into a formal assignation agreement with the University.