AWS activate credits

The AWS Activate program provides startups with the resources they need to quickly get started on AWS - including credits, training and support.

AWS has enabled on-demand delivery of computing power, data storage and other technology services via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. AWS offers over 175 building blocks (services) that startups can use to build their project faster and with a lower cost.

AWS Activate is a free programme designed specifically for startups. Activate provides resources, training and other perks to help startups grow and get the most out of AWS and Amazon from day one.

You can find out more about what is available here:

AWS Activate is available only for members of certain startup enabling organisations. Edinburgh Innovations is one of these organisations.

If selected for the Edinburgh Innovations programme, you are eligible for the below benefits:

  • $5,000 in AWS Credit valid for 24 months
  • 1 year of AWS Business Support (up to $1,500).

Please note that expired credits cannot be recovered and the validity period cannot be extended. Therefore, if you think you won't need that amount of credits within the validity period, please wait to make the most of this benefit.

Find out more and access